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What can you do with Kain Pelikat?


What is Kain Pelikat

For most Malay families, the kain pelikat is a familiar sight. To those unaware, it is a long, checkered cloth usually wrapped around the hip or waist. Once secured with a knot, it takes a tubular shape akin to a long skirt.
cited from VOGUE

Kain pelikat is a piece of fabric made of polyester, cotton or mixed textile that has checkered pattern. It is a traditional and common apparel in Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India. Similar to a piece of sarong, the kain pelikat is usually also ready sewn end-to-end.

The word pelikat means adhesive in English. It is also called pelekat in Malay. Just like in India and Sri Lanka, kain pelekat is usually preferred by gentleman. They like to wear the pelekat when travelling to donwtown and city suburb. In the city centre of Bomaby, it is quite common to find drivers wearing the men’s lungi which is just same as a pelekat.

So, what can you do with a kain pelekat? Here are some ideas that might be helpful to think further about it.

#1. Follow the fashion.

It is not a bad choice to wear the kain pelikat as a fashion. In NY, some younger generations wear such cloth to attend a modern show. The stylish checkered feature is also compatible with modern T-shirts and jackets.

cited from TRP

#2. Turn the kain pelekat into a Shirt

Kain pelikat is breathable and comfortable to wear. Certainly, it is also an ideal choice to cut and sew as a shirt. In Malaysia, there are many tailor shops that offer customized tailoring for clothes.

#3. Pelikat pants

It is popular in Malyasia to make pants out of pelikat. In the recent years, people living in Sabah and Selangor are wearing pelikat pants as a fashion. This is a popular costume for daily activties. It makes people feel at ease as the size is usally free to fit any figure.

Where to get a customized kain pelikat?

Kain pelikat is a common product that can be easily found on online shops. For business entity and retail industries, there are also customized service avaible from Kisswie Batik. As a professional kain pelikat factory, we have been supplying different types of kain pelikat to customers worldwide. Please contact our team for further advice and support if you are looking for customized solution.

  • Men Lungi
  • Kain Pelikat
  • Men Lungi


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