We have received quite a lot of queries and questions about batiks since we established the business with customers around the world. And we are so happy to know that people are getting interested in such type of products and how to use a batik in their daily life. Therefore, today we would like to take this chance to share some quick answers to those top queires and questions about batik.
#1. What is a Batik?
Batik is kind of printing fabrics that are commonly used for making clothes, skirts and T-shirts in South-east Asian countries and area such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. In Malaysia and Indonesia, batiks are usually used for attending some important and official occasions, e.g. wedding, conference or seminar. There are several types of batiks depending on the printing method and material applied during the production. A traditional batik kain is produced by manually printing and process. And nowadays many factories and brand stores have adopted modern printing on batiks for bulk production and less cost. You may also visit the wikipedia explanation of batik here.
#2. Is it normal to wear a Batik?
Obviously, the answer is YES.
It is very common for people to wear a batik skirt, batik baju kurung or batik sarong in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore etc. This is a featuring cloth just like jackets or T-shirts in western countries. The main difference is mostly application of patterns. For example, a jawa batik is usually come with more icons of animals, flowers or abstract motif. In Malaysia, many branded stores are making baju kurung and T-shirts with kain batik. The word “Kain” actually means fabric in English. Additionally, it is always suggested for tourists to take some batik clothes while traveling to Malaysia.
#3. What is the difference between KISSWIE Batik and traditional batik products?
Kisswie batik is a factory mainly for modern printing batiks. We produce more than 300,000 kain batik per month for customers across the world. We provide customized printing service based on each customer’s requirement such as material, sizes and designs. Most of our customers are branded stores or wholesalers for muslim lifestyles. In kisswie we managed to produce batik in a cost-efficient way with durable quality.
#4. Is there any gender difference for wearing batik?
Actually there is no specific standard that a man or women should wear a certain design of batik. But in most cases, a bunga batik (flower batik) is more popular for female, and a geometric stylish one such as a kain pelikat is more welcome by gentleman.
#5. Do I have to wear a batik for a certain festival?
So far there is no rules for wearing a batik. But in Malaysia, it is usually recommended to wear a batik on Thursday which is also commonly called BATIK THURSDAY. In Indonesia, BATIK DAY is celebrated on every 2nd of Oct.
Batik Day (Hari Batik Nasional) is an Indonesian cultural day for celebrating batik – the traditional cloth of Indonesia. It is celebrated on October 2 and marks the anniversary of when UNESCO recognized batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2009. At the day, in Jakarta, the map of Indonesian batik diversity by Hokky Situngkir was opened for public for the first time by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology.
cited from wikipedia and Mengupas Center for Complexity Surya University”. Retrieved 12 March 2015.
#6. What is a batik sarong?
A sarong is a piece of fabric with an end-to-end sewing like a tube that can be wrapped around the waist. In Indonesia, it is usually called sarung. And in Philippines, it is commonly addressed as a malong. Sarong is piece of stylish apparel that has existed for more than a century.
A sarong or sarung is a large tube or length of fabric, often wrapped around the waist, … or may be brightly colored by means of batik or ikat dyeing
cited from wikipedia
#7. How to wear a batik sarong?
It is easy to wear a sarong by just a simple tie around the waist. But there are more than a dozen of ways to wear a sarong. The youtube video here is just a nice example to share.
Nice Post